As a Christ-centered educational facility, we recognize your responsibility as parents to “bring up your children in the nurture of the Lord.”
During school hours, we at HCS stand in your place in fulfilling that important task. We ask that you pray for us as we do our best each school day for your children.
Meet the team
Pastor Dale Larson
Pastor of Hermiston Christian Center
Deniel Hardin
School Administrator
Kendra Colvin
Teacher: Preschool
Sarah Corey (Mrs. Sarah)
Assistant: Preschool
Danielle Bensel (Mrs. Danielle)
Assistant: Preschool
Maria Hardy
Co-Teacher: Kindergarten
Gerie Frerichs (Mrs. Gerie)
Co-Teacher: Kindergarten
Grade 1
Jenny Morrell
Teacher: Grade 1
Christina Haight (Miss C)
Assistant: Grade 1
Lower Learning Center
Rebekah Word (Miss Word)
Teacher: Grades 2-3
Fawn Hilbrand (Mrs. Hilbrand)
Assistant: Grades 2-3
Middle Learning Center
Lisa Blais
Teacher: Grades 4-6
Brittany Martin (Mrs. Martin)
Assistant: Grades 4-6
Upper Learning Center
Eric Jepsen
Teacher: Grades 7-12
ULC Assistants:
Denny Archer
Norma Wilcox
Chris Griggs
Norma Wilcox
Chris Griggs
Some fun during our last Chapel of the 2023-24 school year.