Upper Learning Center

A Parent Page to See Class Updates

Dissecting Frogs

October 24, 2022
Mr. Jepsen and a video tutorial guided the students through the steps and anatomy.

Middleton Farms

October 20, 2022

Egg Drop

October 13, 2022

Cardboard Boats

May 16, 2022

Mr. Jepsen's Upper Learning Center constructed 2-person boats made solely from cardboard and duct tape as part of their science class.

It was a windy test and race day at Hat Rock.
4 boats survived the Float Test and were able to proceed to the Boat Race around the buoys.  Jolene & Paige’s “Blue Whale” boat finished first!!
We have a new school record for most-people-in-a-boat-without-sinking!  That's 8 people in Christian & Geric's boat!

Thanks to all the parents and families that came to cheer on your students at Hat Rock!  

Definitely a memorable time.  Can't wait until next year!

Earthquakes VS Buildings: an experiment

March 31, 2022
Will the spaghetti-and-marshmallow buildings survive the earthquake?